frequently asked questions
Whilst details can be found under Terms and Conditions below I answer a variety of common queries. If there’s anything else, please get in touch with me here.
- Tanya
Which areas does Organised Joy service?
I cover Central London (zones 1 - 3) and North West London. Other locations may incur additional travel charges which will be agreed in advance of our session. I also work with clients over a combination of Zoom and Whatsapp.
Does Organised Joy offer remote / virtual lessons?
Yes, I offer Zoom sessions at same price. During in-person lessons I’m folding and organising with you. However, clients have experienced the same results working with me over Zoom. There is greater flexibility on session length, potentially requiring fewer hours. We are strategic about what we do within Zoom sessions and what the client does independently.
Can Organised Joy provide a cleaning service?
No, our time together is focused on decluttering and organising your belongings.
Can I leave you alone to tidy my house?
No, my approach is to work with you, essential for decluttering. Only you can decide if an item sparks joy for you. I help you achieve long lasting results in less time but it will be your achievement. That said, there are times when I can be organising whilst you have a tea break or deal with work emails.
Can my children be at home during our session?
Our one-to-one sessions require your concentration. To make the most of our time together, it is best to minimise distractions. You know your situation best so let’s talk about it first. I often work directly with children and teens of trusted clients. The parent may be present or getting on with their work/admin in another room. This is of course age, personality and situation dependent.
Do I need to prepare for our sessions?
I will provide details in advance our of session of anything I think will maximise our time together. But no prep is essential. For example, ahead of our first session, I might ask you to spend a short time imagining your ideal lifestyle before we dig into it together. If we are tidying paperwork, you could gather all your papers from around your home in one place. Most importantly, please don’t feel the urge to tidy beforehand. I am not a guest you need to host. I am here to help and I love doing what I do!
Do I need to buy any storage items before our session?
No, there is no need. After you have decluttered and utilised (or repurposed) your existing storage, we will have a better idea if any additional storage solutions are required.
Why are sessions typically five hours long?
In my experience, five hours is long enough to make significant progress but short enough to maintain energy levels with well-timed breaks. I can provide longer and shorter sessions on request and find there’s more variability with remote sessions over Zoom. Please see Services for packages and pricing.
Is the KonMari Method® right for me?
If you are feeling stuck, this fresh approach may help you prioritise items that you love and need. If you are moving house, changing job, preparing for a baby or dealing with a bereavement or a break-up, these principles are supporting the person you are right now and who you want to be. If you plan to redecorate, the process will likely help you uncover your personal style and build confidence in your decision-making ahead of picking paint colours or furniture. It is a tried and tested method that has been transformational for many people, myself included, but with my experience I know how to adjust for each individual client. Some elements of KonMari might resonate deeply with you. Others might not land so we will find a better way to move your forward in your goals.
How long will the process take?
We will discuss in our free consultation. Some clients will complete the clothing category in a 5 hour session, whereas for others it takes much longer. It depends on how many items you own, how quickly you make decisions, the time you are able to commit and how much independent work you do in between our sessions. On average, all clothing takes clients 5 to 10 hours. Bigger family homes with a huge volume of decisions have involved 50+ hours of sessions to complete each category with me.
Why should I work with a KonMari® Consultant?
Applying the KonMari® Method requires time and effort. Some people have life circumstances that lead them to read the books, study the method and apply it. For many others, life gets in the way! Perhaps you lost steam and motivation. Or you haven’t started because the thought of decluttering is exhausting and overwhelming. Guidance and support from an experienced professional can help you achieve your desired results in less time. And our time is precious!
How do I find the right professional organiser?
I believe in doing your research and trusting your instinct. APDO provides a directory for registered UK professional organisers and declutterers by geography and specialism. We tend to be a very friendly cohort. If my approach resonates with you, the best place to start is the free consultation I offer. I would recommend speaking to any professional organiser before inviting them to your home. If either of us don’t think I’m the right organiser for your particular needs, I will happily point you towards others that are likely to suit you better.
How long lasting are the results? Won’t my house just get messy again?
It depends! By applying the KonMari Method® systematically, you may find that you rewire your relationship with your home and worldly possessions. Every item in your home brings you joy or utility - at the finish line, at least. Every item in your home will be stored or displayed in a designated place. Of course if you don’t put things back in their place things will get messy again (my young daughters ensure my home is a tip in that sense) but it will be easier to restore order. The longer term challenge comes as new things come into your home. I also help you find systems that work best for you personally to stay organised. For many people, this intense process leads to becoming more thoughtful shoppers and developing decluttering habits going forward.
What is your payment and cancellation policy?
Please find full details under Terms & Conditions.
Are you insured?
Yes, I have Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Are you a member of APDO (Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers)?
Yes I am a verified member of APDO, the UK’s membership association for decluttering and organising professionals. APDO sets standards, provides professional development and supports the growth of the industry. You can find my profile by searching postcode NW3 here.
Will you make me get rid of stuff?
No, the decision to keep or discard an item is always yours. I am there to guide you and help you uncover what sparks joy for you.
What if my partner doesn’t want to tidy?
This is a common worry. This process is an individual journey and we would never tidy your partner’s belongings for them. We typically start by tidying clothes which doesn’t require anyone’s approval but your own. By the time we approach any joint categories such as kitchen items, you can have a discussion with your partner about whether they want to be involved. Often after seeing the results, family members become inspired too. I have plenty of stories on this front.
I have a regular cleaner. Can you show them how to maintain my home after we are done?
Tidying and cleaning are different. As Marie Kondo says “tidying is the act of confronting yourself; cleaning is the act of confronting nature” Once you give every single item in your home a place to live, putting things back and keeping things tidy will be simpler for you. Furthermore, cleaning surfaces will be more efficient. That said, I can help you create practical workflows with your cleaner and anyone else who uses the space. I am all about teamwork in my own home and will often end up hosting tidying lessons for various members of the household!
Will you take my discarded items with you?
I can recommend resources for you to sell, donate, recycle and dispose of your discarded items and help you make a plan to get them out of your house. I do not take the items for you.
What if I want you to just tidy one problem area rather than follow the KonMari™️ order of clothes, books, papers, komono, sentimental?
My approach is to apply the KonMari Method® to your individual needs and make your home feel joyful for you. I have helped several clients tackle a specific problem area using my expertise as a KonMari™️ Consultant. Let’s chat to work out what will be best for you!